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Thai Me Down [Baene]

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 Thai Me Down [Baene] Empty Thai Me Down [Baene]

Post by Pimwadee Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:24 pm


And no one knows how far it goes, If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me. One day I'll know if I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go
Pimwadee Chakri

Pimwadee had not quite adapted to this new universe she was in, a month had passed since her landing in Hoptus and she still felt like she was in a dream. It was such a bizarre series of events, being on the cusp of death, the weight of seawater crushing her lungs. Only to open her eyes, coughing and gasping violently against the forest floor, water spewing out beneath her. She had wandered for so long, confused and hungry, chased by all manner of strange beast until finally, she had reached the outskirts of the forest, a town in the far distance.

It took her longer than it should have to realise the change she had undergone too, physically she felt mostly the same however there had been some unique new additions to her body she hadn't been prepared for. She felt faster on her feet, more agile, and her hearing was much keener than she was used to. The two additional appendages on her head and the one on the base of her spine had created a significant amount of panic for the girl. Her ears no longer parallel to her cheekbones but rather perched on top of her head, long and soft, with a thin coating of fur over them. Not to mention the fluffy rabbit-like tail just above her posterior. Once she had been able to calm down, she had been able to find out that she was now what was known as a Lapin. On top of this, she had learned that this world was known as Vyldermire, an entirely new universe.

It had been baffling at first, trying to understand her rebirth. In her belief, she should have started as a newborn and she shouldn't have returned her original body, but this reincarnation of sorts was different. Less like a fresh start and more like the continuation of her own story. And so she had asked around, running into a group of fellow 'Anthros' as she was now known as, who would help her learn about the world and the manner in which it functioned. Once they knew that she was what was called an 'Otherworlder' they were a little more apprehensive about providing her aid, however, they did help enough to point her in the direction of the Adventurer's Guild and in turn Rivengate.

Getting information about the world had been much easier when she finally arrived at Rivengate, the bustling urban jungle although not the kind of place Pim was used to, was much more accommodating to her. She was pointed in the direction of the Alternate Universe Research Association, and after a long meeting with one of their representatives, was enrolled there as a researcher. Things had moved fairly quickly after that point, she had been given a dorm room, a tour of the campus, museum and research facilities. They even provided her with an advance on her finances to help her settle into the city. Compared to the treatments she had faced along the journey to AURA, it seemed that this was a place very much built for the accommodation of those not from this world. It had been great alleviation to the weight hanging over the Lhukian girl's mind and the more she understood about the world she had found herself in, the better she had felt about her situation. During the entire journey from Engloria to Rivengate, she had pined for her homeland. To return to the comforting arms of her mother and father, to see the smiles of her siblings, to gather together and eat 'som tam' with them.

Her newfound understanding had brought her to the reasoning that it might be possible for her to find a way home, perhaps even build a bridge between the two worlds. So that she wouldn't have to forfeit the exciting new world that she had been brought to, because despite the difficulties she had experienced when she had arrived, Pimwadee was very curious about Vyldermire. To witness the various races and learn about their cultures, it tickled the inquisitive mind of the Asiatic female. Not to mention the physiological change she had undergone, which from her understanding meant she was technically no longer human.

It was just short of midday when Pimwadee made her way to the library, currently wearing a black tank top, denim shorts and black sandals. Thanks to the early payment she had been able to go into Rivengate and buy some replacement attire for herself, having picked things that felt familiar to what she might have worn back at her. She had decided to do some reading up today, wanting to learn more about Lapins and figure out a little more information as to why she had transformed into one. She would roam the shelves, fingers trailing along the spines of the books. Uttering the word, "Lapin," and repeating it softly to herself. Curiously enough, she was able to understand the written language, it read like Fiorian which meant taking up a job in this facility hadn't been too daunting for her. Especially considering that it was very similar to the type of work she had done in the Silver Wolf Guild back in Ishgar.

WC: 869  Tag: @Baene


VylderGold : 1219
Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-05-30

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Post by Baene Sat Oct 23, 2021 5:08 pm

♭ Sic Semper Tyrannis ♭

Baene opened the door, dressed in his most regal finery, and made his way into the library with little to know emotion expressed upon his face.  He had yet to notice the woman in the room, as he had far too many important tasks to finish. It had been a few months since he had arrived in this world, but he was starting to understand more of the terms and a lot of the lore that seemed to permeate this place. There are many fantastic beings that lived here and yet Baene still didn't know enough about each of these races to know a proper strategy to obliterate them should the need arise. He had collected a series of tomes, each one centered around different geographical regions here in the world. They needed to make an organizational chart that would display the different population sizes that existed within each region. Such a political map would make it easier to understand the possible race relations in each location. From his research so far he was aware that there was bad blood between the Eldritch and the humans, with a conflict that lasted for hundreds of years.

Perhaps that was why he was happy he didn't have any traits related to these various races that lived in this strange world. Though overhearing the word 'Lapin' brought his attention over to the cocoa skinned beauty that he had somehow overlooked. He took a moment to glance about her, noting her proportions in order to determine if she was a slave of the facility or someone who could count herself among the rulers. As far as he was concerned she could fit either role. He spoke up of course, with an amount of authority that could have been off putting to anyone who is not used to being around a person with Royal blood. "Yes, a race of highly motivated, sensual, playful, quick and mischievous rabbit people." He would open up three of the books and lay them out flat on the table. Turning his attention back to his work. He'd speak to her again, this time not looking in her direction.

"So tell me, are you here as an assistant, whatever that is, if not a slave, or are you here as a researcher? If you are a researcher, what exactly is it that you are trying to figure out, if you do not mind me asking?" He paused in contemplation realizing that he didn't give a shit if she minded him asking or not. He was a freaking pharaoh, she would answer him... she had no choice. He didn't even hesitate in correcting himself. "My name is Pharaoh Baene IV of the Holy Nation Kryptaphagus, and it’s rightful ruler. You may address me as Baene, however. I am a researcher studying the effects that we Otherworlders have on the overall political and social landscape of Vyldemire." There was a pride in his tone that was all consuming. He didn't showcase haughtiness, but a matter of fact attitude that was encompassing the whole of his being. This man led a life with minimal doubt.

Sighing, he’d look over towards the woman. “I may be able to help you with your research, I spend most of my time here in the Library whenever I am in town.” He offered her help not out of obligation, but out of expectation. The longer she lingered around her the more she’d prove a distraction to him. He knew this due to the fact that she was of the same ilk as himself. That being those of the humid lands. He could see it in her skin. She was likely some sort of fierce warrior priestess who craved battle. But this was a place of education. So if he could get her out of her quick, then he’d be able to focus on his research. Though something was a bit off when he looked back towards her. She seemed… fairly attractive. Not unlike his former wife. Though one thing did seem to be different from the pair. This girl didn't seem like a backstabber. Or someone who held wicked morals.

@Pimwadee x 692 x 1561


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 Thai Me Down [Baene] Empty Re: Thai Me Down [Baene]

Post by Pimwadee Sat Oct 23, 2021 5:40 pm


And no one knows how far it goes, If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me. One day I'll know if I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go
Pimwadee Chakri

Pimwadee had been so engrossed in scanning the shelves before her that she had not even noticed anyone nearby, nor had she been aware that she had even spoken allowed. It was due to this reason that she jumped slightly as she was suddenly addressed by a man, turning suddenly and taking an instinctive step back as she looked upon the looming presence of her company. He towered an entire foot over her, with both incredible stature and poise. Her amethyst gaze would dance over his attire and the way he carried himself, quickly determining that this was a man of importance. She could only look on with uncertainty as he proceeded to question what it was she was doing here.

He would introduce himself as Pharaoh Baene, including his homeland and his status. This did not come as a surprise to the purple locked woman, he had an air to him that reminded her of her sister’s in laws. In fact, looking upon the man, she felt the sting of nostalgia, reminded of Nittha’s family -  a thought that would cause her to long for home once more. It seemed that he was offering his aid, realising this would cause Pim’s expression to relax, a polite smile forming on her lips. Pim would lower her hands from the shelves, turning to face him fully, she would press her palms together. Following this she would bow her head respectably, offering him a ‘wai’ gesture of greeting that was common in her culture. She knew that the people of this world weren’t likely to understand why she did this, but to the Lhukian woman, it didn’t matter how far from home she was, there were some habits you just could not abandon.

“Thank you very much. My name is Pimwadee Chakri, I am an o-... other...worlder.”  She would drag out the last word slowly, making sure that she was pronouncing it the way that he had. “I am from Lhuk in Earthland and I am a researcher here. I wish to know why I am now a Lapin, as before I came here I was human.”  She told him honestly, her right hand reaching up idly and touching one of her rabbit ears, whilst her left hand rested over her stomach. She would look around the room casually, making a little note of the space she had around her, and where all of the other people in the library were - oh, there wasn’t anyone else in here. How had she missed that? She would step back once more, permitting a little more space between the two of them, before looking back toward the man once more, her expression the picture of well-mannered civility. “How long have you been in this world?”  She would ask conversationally.

WC: 465 TWC: 2026  Tag: @Baene


VylderGold : 1219
Posts : 7
Join date : 2021-05-30

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